Note: You will want to mute the music below prior to watching the videos.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here We Go Again

Well, today I leave for St. Louis so that I can have another chemo treatment tomorrow. Lucky me. I didn't sleep all that well last night and I am hoping that I might rest better tonight. Ryan is staying here with Charley and my mom has the honor of driving me up there. I know Ryan hates the thought of not being there with me, but we thought it would be better for him to stay here with Charley. I will need him every second when I get home tomorrow evening.

I would like to round up all my prayer warriors this week. I know I have people constantly praying for me, but I have some specific request if you don't mind.

1. Please pray that I would recover faster from this treatment. I know that the first few days will be difficult, but I would like to regain my strength so that I feel somewhat like a normal person.

2. Please pray that the drive home would be easy. It's always kind of scary to think that you have a 3 hour drive home after a chemo treatment. Pray that I would make it home without getting sick.

3. Please pray that God would give me patience with my family. When I'm not feeling well I tend to be impatient and crabby. I'm not always the most pleasant person to be around. I know that some of you would say that I have an excuse, but I don't agree. Chemo is not an excuse to treat my loved ones poorly. This entire experience has and is robbing me of so many things physically. I don't want it to rob me mentally and emotionally.

4. Finally, please pray for Ryan and Charley while I am gone. Pray for their safety and that they would be protected. It is so hard leaving the both of them, even if it is just for a day. I love them both so much.

Thank you for your prayers.


Julie said...

We are praying for you as you begin the next round of chemo.

Rachel Peacock-Young said...

You are surrounded...

Kim said...

Lifting you up to the Lord!