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Monday, June 16, 2008

An Incredible Sunday at Church

Yesterday morning Ryan, Charley, and myself all attended church. I was once again amazed by the out-pouring of love. One of Ryan's friends, Chris Foth, invited us to start coming to his life group. Life groups are like Sunday school, except they meet outside of the church every other week. Ryan and I had just been talking about how we wanted to try and get involved in a life group this coming fall. I guess God thought it would be a better idea for us to get involved sooner than later! We are looking forward to connecting with a small group, especially in a time of such need. Before the service began, I was able to visit with my radiologist, Dr. Hedgepeth, who also attends James River. He had done the biopsy the week before. I could do nothing but hug him and thank him. He apologized and there were some tears shed. I introduced him to Ryan and he introduced us to his wife. I'm not sure he nor I knew what to say and when your in a moment like that, all you can do is call out to God, and that is exactly what Dr. Hedgepeth did. He grabbed Ryan and I, and right there in the middle of the aisle, began praying for us. Thank you Dr. Hedgepeth. I think it is important for you to all know that I did not know Dr. Hedgepeth before this entire experience. James River is a church of 11,000 people. Although Ryan and I are involved, there is no way you can possible know everyone. When Dr. Hedgepeth walked into my room the day I had my mammogram, I immediately recognized him from church. The first words out of my mouth where "Do you go to James River?" For some reason, prior to all of this, I had noticed Dr. Hedgepeth several times at Sunday morning service out of the thousands that attend. Little did I know, this man would play a part in my journey.

During service, Ryan and I went forward for prayer. At that time we met a man whose sister had been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 30. She is now approaching 20 years as a survivor. I cannot begin to tell all of you the number of people I have met or know that have had breast cancer themselves. At times, it seems like it is an epidemic. However, the stories I hear are so encouraging. In the past couple of days Ryan and I have discussed how crazy it is to be dealing with this at such a young age. Although we don't completely understand why, we believe that God has given this to us now so that I don't have to miss out on Charley's life later on. She will never remember this time in her life and I am so thankful for that.

I meet with the oncologist today at 1:20. I will post an update later this afternoon when I have more information. Also, with all the stress of everything, my body is starting to suffer. My neck is tense, my head hurts, I am getting an ulcer in my mouth, and there are times where my chest feels so tight. Please add to your prayers that my body would gain strength so that it would be ready for the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking about you today! Love you:)