Note: You will want to mute the music below prior to watching the videos.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

One Day At A Time

Last night went pretty well. After adjusting myself at least 10 times, I finally found a comfortable position to sleep in. I honestly think the hospital bed was more comfortable than my bed at home. I really wish that I had one of those mechanical beds like they have at the hospitals. It sure would make getting out of bed easier! Ryan has been a great nurse! I'm sure the nurses would be happy to know that he is doing a fabulous job on emptying my drains, accurately measuring the fluid, and recording the information. He has been at my beckon call. I can't do much of anything on my own and that is so frustrating for me. Just getting a glass out of the cabinet is a struggle. However, the most difficult thing has been my inability to take care of Charley. I have only seen her a few times since Wednesday. She is smart and I know she can sense that something is wrong with her mommy. I am looking forward to gaining a little bit of strength back each day. With that strength, I am going to hug, kiss, and hold Charley until she is just sick of me! Please pray that her sweet, innocent heart would be comforted over the next couple of days as she spends time with her grandparents and others. Also pray that she would be overwhelmed with love and that I would recover at a speedy rate!

On one final note, I have added my email address to this blog. I know there are a lot of people out there keeping up with my journey, some of which I know, and some of which I have never met. No matter how you discovered my blog, I don't believe it was by accident. If you wish, feel free to email me. I would love to know who you are!

1 comment:

Whitney said...


So glad to hear that you are doing well! Ryan and Charlie are probably the best medicine in the world for your right now (okay...and the pain meds). I've been keeping up with your blog from the beginning, along with my mom, mother-in-law and others. You are such an inspiration and your story is amazing. Please keep sharing...

Whitney (in Arkansas)

PS: Love the shirt!!!